var five = $.getenv("bz_five") + "" !== 'null' ? ($.getenv("bz_five") === 'false' ? false : true) : true
var count = $.getenv("bz_count") ? $.getenv("bz_count") : 1
function main(_flagMargin, _flagFontSize, _arrowSize, _arrowWidth, isTop, isBottom, isLeft, isRight) {
var doc = app.activeDocument; // 當前文檔
var theSelect = doc.selection; // 選中的內容
var _datumPointUnit = 2.834645 // 基準單位
var flagMargin = _flagMargin * _datumPointUnit;// 標尺距離物體邊沿寬度
var flagFontSize = _flagFontSize * _datumPointUnit; // 標尺字體大小
var arrowSize = _arrowSize * _datumPointUnit // 箭頭尺寸
doc.selection = null; // 取消選擇所有內容
var newSpot
var newColor
try {
newSpot = app.activeDocument.spots.getByName("Dimension Line")
} catch (error) {
// 創(chuàng)建專色
newSpot = app.activeDocument.spots.add();
newColor = new CMYKColor();
newColor.cyan = 100;
newColor.magenta = 0;
newColor.yellow = 0; = 0; = "Dimension Line";
newSpot.colorType = ColorModel.SPOT;
newSpot.color = newColor;
function createColor() {
var newSpotColor = new SpotColor(); = newSpot;
return newSpotColor
doc.defaultFilled = false; // 默認填充: 無
doc.defaultStroked = true; // 默認描邊: 打開
doc.defaultStrokeWidth = _arrowWidth * _datumPointUnit; // 描邊0.3
doc.defaultStrokeColor = createColor();
for (var index = 0; index < theSelect.length; index++) {
var _this = theSelect[index];
// -------獲取元素信息
var strokeWidth = 0 // 元素描邊
if (_this == '[PathItem ]' && _this.stroked) {
strokeWidth = _this.strokeWidth
var left = _this.left; // 元素距離左邊的距離
var top =; // 元素距離頂部邊的距離
var width = _this.width + strokeWidth; // 元素寬度
var height = _this.height + strokeWidth; // 元素高度
// -------獲取元素信息
var flagGroup = doc.groupItems.add();// 創(chuàng)建一個標尺組
if (isLeft) {
// --------------------左 - 畫高度標尺--------------------
// 畫線條
var line1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeOverprint = true
[left - flagMargin, top],
[left - flagMargin, top - height]
line1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeOverprint = true
[left - flagMargin - flagMargin / 2, top],
[left - flagMargin + flagMargin / 2, top]
line1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeOverprint = true
[left - flagMargin - flagMargin / 2, top - height],
[left - flagMargin + flagMargin / 2, top - height]
// 畫線條
// 畫箭頭
var arrow1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add(); //畫箭頭上
arrow1.stroked = false;
arrow1.fillColor = createColor();
arrow1.fillOverprint = true
[left - flagMargin, top],
[left - flagMargin - arrowSize / 2, top - arrowSize],
[left - flagMargin + arrowSize / 2, top - arrowSize]]
arrow1.closed = true
arrow1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add(); //畫箭頭下
arrow1.stroked = false;
arrow1.fillColor = createColor();
arrow1.fillOverprint = true
[left - flagMargin, top - height],
[left - flagMargin - arrowSize / 2, top - height + arrowSize],
[left - flagMargin + arrowSize / 2, top - height + arrowSize]]
arrow1.closed = true
// 畫箭頭
// 尺寸文字
var text1 = flagGroup.textFrames.add()
text1.contents = mathNum(height / _datumPointUnit, five, count) + " mm"
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.size = flagFontSize;
for (var i = 0; i < app.textFonts.length; i++) {
var e = app.textFonts[i];
if ( === "Adobe 宋體 Std L") {
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.textFont = app.textFonts[i]
text1.textRange.fillColor = createColor();
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.overprintFill = true
text1.left = left - flagMargin - text1.width - flagMargin / 2; = top - height / 2 + text1.height / 2;
// ---------------------左 - 畫高度標尺--------------------
if (isRight) {
// --------------------右 - 畫高度標尺--------------------
// 畫線條
var line1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeOverprint = true
[left + width + flagMargin, top],
[left + width + flagMargin, top - height]
line1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeOverprint = true
[left + width + flagMargin - flagMargin / 2, top],
[left + width + flagMargin + flagMargin / 2, top]
line1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeOverprint = true
[left + width + flagMargin - flagMargin / 2, top - height],
[left + width + flagMargin + flagMargin / 2, top - height]
// 畫線條
// 畫箭頭
var arrow1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add(); //畫箭頭上
arrow1.stroked = false;
arrow1.fillColor = createColor();
arrow1.fillOverprint = true
[left + width + flagMargin, top],
[left + width + flagMargin - arrowSize / 2, top - arrowSize],
[left + width + flagMargin + arrowSize / 2, top - arrowSize]]
arrow1.closed = true
arrow1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add(); //畫箭頭下
arrow1.stroked = false;
arrow1.fillColor = createColor();
arrow1.fillOverprint = true
[left + width + flagMargin, top - height],
[left + width + flagMargin - arrowSize / 2, top - height + arrowSize],
[left + width + flagMargin + arrowSize / 2, top - height + arrowSize]]
arrow1.closed = true
// 畫箭頭
// 尺寸文字
var text1 = flagGroup.textFrames.add()
text1.contents = mathNum(height / _datumPointUnit, five, count) + " mm"
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.size = flagFontSize;
for (var i = 0; i < app.textFonts.length; i++) {
var e = app.textFonts[i];
if ( === "Adobe 宋體 Std L") {
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.textFont = app.textFonts[i]
text1.textRange.fillColor = createColor();
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.overprintFill = true
text1.left = left + width + flagMargin + flagMargin / 2; = top - height / 2 + text1.height / 2;
// ---------------------左 - 畫高度標尺--------------------
if (isBottom) {
// ---------------------下 - 畫寬度標尺--------------------
// 畫線條
var line1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeOverprint = true
[left, top - height - flagMargin],
[left + width, top - height - flagMargin]
line1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeOverprint = true
[left, top - height - flagMargin / 2],
[left, top - height - flagMargin - flagMargin / 2]
line1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeOverprint = true
[left + width, top - height - flagMargin / 2],
[left + width, top - height - flagMargin - flagMargin / 2]
// 畫線條
// 畫箭頭
var arrow1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add(); //畫箭頭左
arrow1.stroked = false;
arrow1.fillColor = createColor();
arrow1.fillOverprint = true
[left, top - height - flagMargin],
[left + arrowSize, top - height - flagMargin + arrowSize / 2],
[left + arrowSize, top - height - flagMargin - arrowSize / 2]]
arrow1.closed = true
var arrow1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add(); //畫箭頭右
arrow1.stroked = false;
arrow1.fillColor = createColor();
arrow1.fillOverprint = true
[left + width, top - height - flagMargin],
[left + width - arrowSize, top - height - flagMargin + arrowSize / 2],
[left + width - arrowSize, top - height - flagMargin - arrowSize / 2]]
arrow1.closed = true
// 畫箭頭
// 尺寸文字
var text1 = flagGroup.textFrames.add()
text1.contents = mathNum(width / _datumPointUnit, five, count) + " mm"
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.size = flagFontSize;
text1.textRange.fillColor = createColor();
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.overprintFill = true
text1.left = left + width / 2 - text1.width / 2; = top - height - flagMargin - text1.height / 2;
for (var i = 0; i < app.textFonts.length; i++) {
var e = app.textFonts[i];
if ( === "Adobe 宋體 Std L") {
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.textFont = app.textFonts[i]
// ---------------------下 - 畫寬度標尺--------------------
if (isTop) {
// ---------------------上 - 畫寬度標尺--------------------
// 畫線條
var line1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeOverprint = true
[left, top + flagMargin],
[left + width, top + flagMargin]
line1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeOverprint = true
[left, top + flagMargin / 2],
[left, top + flagMargin + flagMargin / 2]
line1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeOverprint = true
[left + width, top + flagMargin / 2],
[left + width, top + flagMargin + flagMargin / 2]
// 畫線條
// 畫箭頭
var arrow1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add(); //畫箭頭左
arrow1.stroked = false;
arrow1.fillColor = createColor();
arrow1.fillOverprint = true
[left, top + flagMargin],
[left + arrowSize, top + flagMargin + arrowSize / 2],
[left + arrowSize, top + flagMargin - arrowSize / 2]]
arrow1.closed = true
var arrow1 = flagGroup.pathItems.add(); //畫箭頭右
arrow1.stroked = false;
arrow1.fillColor = createColor();
arrow1.fillOverprint = true
[left + width, top + flagMargin],
[left + width - arrowSize, top + flagMargin + arrowSize / 2],
[left + width - arrowSize, top + flagMargin - arrowSize / 2]]
arrow1.closed = true
// 畫箭頭
// 尺寸文字
var text1 = flagGroup.textFrames.add()
text1.contents = mathNum(width / _datumPointUnit, five, count) + " mm"
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.size = flagFontSize;
text1.textRange.fillColor = createColor();
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.overprintFill = true
text1.left = left + width / 2 - text1.width / 2; = top + flagMargin + text1.height + text1.height / 2;
for (var i = 0; i < app.textFonts.length; i++) {
var e = app.textFonts[i];
if ( === "Adobe 宋體 Std L") {
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.textFont = app.textFonts[i]
// ---------------------下 - 畫寬度標尺--------------------
// 入口函數
function init() {
// 在屏幕左上角附近創(chuàng)建一個空對話框窗口
dlg = new Window('dialog', '尺寸標注@冰鎮(zhèn)果凍');
dlg.frameLocation = [400, 400];
dlg.msgPnl = dlg.add('panel', undefined, '配置');
dlg.msgPnl.alignChildren = "center";
dlg.positionPnl = dlg.add('panel', undefined, '數值/位置');
dlg.positionPnl.alignChildren = "center";
dlg.msgPnl._margin = dlg.msgPnl.add('group');
dlg.msgPnl._fontSize = dlg.msgPnl.add('group');
dlg.msgPnl._alSize = dlg.msgPnl.add('group');
dlg.msgPnl._alWidth = dlg.msgPnl.add('group');
dlg.msgPnl._alNum = dlg.msgPnl.add('group');
with (dlg.msgPnl) { = _margin.add('statictext', undefined, '標注與對象的距離(mm)'); = _margin.add('edittext', undefined, $.getenv("bz_margin") ? $.getenv("bz_margin") : "1"); = [60, 30]; = _fontSize.add('statictext', undefined, '標注文字字體大小(mm)'); = _fontSize.add('edittext', undefined, $.getenv("bz_fontSize") ? $.getenv("bz_fontSize") : "2"); = [60, 30]; = _alSize.add('statictext', undefined, '標注箭頭大小尺寸(mm)'); = _alSize.add('edittext', undefined, $.getenv("bz_alSize") ? $.getenv("bz_alSize") : "0.1"); = [60, 30]; = _alWidth.add('statictext', undefined, '標注線條粗細尺寸(mm)'); = _alWidth.add('edittext', undefined, $.getenv("bz_alWidth") ? $.getenv("bz_alWidth") : "0.1"); = [60, 30]; = _alNum.add('statictext', undefined, '標注數值小數個數(cs)'); = _alNum.add('edittext', undefined, count); = [60, 30];
dlg.positionPnl._direction = dlg.positionPnl.add('group');
with (dlg.positionPnl) {
_five = _direction.add("checkbox", undefined, "四舍五入");
_five.value = five
_top = _direction.add("checkbox", undefined, "上");
_top.value = $.getenv("bz_top") + "" !== 'null' ? ($.getenv("bz_top") === 'false' ? false : true) : false
_bottom = _direction.add("checkbox", undefined, "下");
_bottom.value = $.getenv("bz_bottom") + "" !== 'null' ? ($.getenv("bz_bottom") === 'false' ? false : true) : false
_left = _direction.add("checkbox", undefined, "左");
_left.value = $.getenv("bz_left") + "" !== 'null' ? ($.getenv("bz_left") === 'false' ? false : true) : true
_right = _direction.add("checkbox", undefined, "右");
_right.value = $.getenv("bz_right") + "" !== 'null' ? ($.getenv("bz_right") === 'false' ? false : true) : false
dlg.btnPnl = dlg.add('panel', undefined, '操作');
dlg.btnPnl.orientation = "row";
dlg.btnPnl.buildBtn = dlg.btnPnl.add('button', undefined, '標注選中對象', { name: 'ok' });
dlg.btnPnl.build2Btn = dlg.btnPnl.add('button', undefined, '標注橫向距離', { name: '_width' });
dlg.btnPnl.build3Btn = dlg.btnPnl.add('button', undefined, '標注縱向距離', { name: '_height' });
dlg.btnPnl.ok.onClick = function () {
count = Number(
five = _five.value
var _margin = Number(
var _fontSize = Number(
var _alSize = Number(
var _alWidth = Number(
$.setenv("bz_count", count)
$.setenv("bz_five", five)
$.setenv("bz_margin", _margin)
$.setenv("bz_fontSize", _fontSize)
$.setenv("bz_alSize", _alSize)
$.setenv("bz_alWidth", _alWidth)
$.setenv("bz_left", _left.value)
$.setenv("bz_top", _top.value)
$.setenv("bz_bottom", _bottom.value)
$.setenv("bz_right", _right.value)
main(_margin, _fontSize, _alSize, _alWidth, _top.value, _bottom.value, _left.value, _right.value)
dlg.btnPnl.build2Btn.onClick = function () {
count = Number(
five = _five.value
var _margin = Number(
var _fontSize = Number(
var _alSize = Number(
var _alWidth = Number(
$.setenv("bz_count", count)
$.setenv("bz_five", five)
$.setenv("bz_margin", _margin)
$.setenv("bz_fontSize", _fontSize)
$.setenv("bz_alSize", _alSize)
$.setenv("bz_alWidth", _alWidth)
main2("標注橫向距離", _margin, _fontSize, _alSize, _alWidth)
dlg.btnPnl.build3Btn.onClick = function () {
count = Number(
five = _five.value
var _margin = Number(
var _fontSize = Number(
var _alSize = Number(
var _alWidth = Number(
$.setenv("bz_count", count)
$.setenv("bz_five", five)
$.setenv("bz_margin", _margin)
$.setenv("bz_fontSize", _fontSize)
$.setenv("bz_alSize", _alSize)
$.setenv("bz_alWidth", _alWidth)
main2("標注縱向距離", _margin, _fontSize, _alSize, _alWidth)
// --------下面是增強代碼--------
function elDistanceLabeling(el1, el2, type, flagMargin, flagFontSize, arrowSize, arrowWidth) {
var config = getConfig(flagMargin, flagFontSize, arrowSize, arrowWidth) // 獲取配置
// 獲取兩個元素的位置信息
var el1_leftX = el1.geometricBounds[0]
var el1_leftY = el1.geometricBounds[1]
var el1_rightX = el1.geometricBounds[2]
var el1_rightY = el1.geometricBounds[3]
var el2_leftX = el2.geometricBounds[0]
var el2_leftY = el2.geometricBounds[1]
var el2_rightX = el2.geometricBounds[2]
var el2_rightY = el2.geometricBounds[3]
// 獲取兩個元素的位置信息
// 中心點
var align = (el2_rightY - el1_leftY) / 2 + el1_leftY
var center = (el2_rightX - el1_leftX) / 2 + el1_leftX
// 獲得組
var _group = getGroupAndLayer()
if (type === "標注橫向距離") {
var margin = (el2_leftX - el1_rightX)
widthFlag(_group, center, align, margin, el1_leftX, el1_leftY, el1_rightX, el1_rightY, el2_leftX, el2_leftY, el2_rightX, el2_rightY, config)
if (type === "標注縱向距離") {
var margin = el2_leftY - el1_rightY
heightFlag(_group, center, align, margin, el1_leftX, el1_leftY, el1_rightX, el1_rightY, el2_leftX, el2_leftY, el2_rightX, el2_rightY, config)
function main2(type, flagMargin, flagFontSize, arrowSize, arrowWidth) {
var theSelect = activeDocument.selection;
if (theSelect.length < 2) {
alert('選擇的物體數量小于2, 無法計算', "提示")
// 排序
if (type === "標注橫向距離") {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < theSelect.length - 1; i++) {
elDistanceLabeling(theSelect[i], theSelect[i + 1], type, flagMargin, flagFontSize, arrowSize, arrowWidth)
function getConfig(flagMargin, flagFontSize, arrowSize, arrowWidth) {
var newSpot
var newColor
try {
newSpot = app.activeDocument.spots.getByName("Dimension Line")
} catch (error) {
// 創(chuàng)建專色
newSpot = app.activeDocument.spots.add();
newColor = new CMYKColor();
newColor.cyan = 100;
newColor.magenta = 0;
newColor.yellow = 0; = 0; = "Dimension Line";
newSpot.colorType = ColorModel.SPOT;
newSpot.color = newColor;
var newSpotColor = new SpotColor(); = newSpot;
return {
flagMargin: toMM(flagMargin),
flagFontSize: toMM(flagFontSize),
arrowSize: toMM(arrowSize),
arrowWidth: toMM(arrowWidth),
spot: newSpotColor
function getGroupAndLayer() {
var name = "@PDG_標注圖層"
var name2 = "@PDG_標注圖層_組"
var doc = app.activeDocument
for (var i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; i++) {
var lay = doc.layers[i];
if ( === name) {
for (var j = 0; j < doc.groupItems.length; j++) { // 查找是否有路徑組
var group = doc.groupItems[j];
if ( === name2)
return group
// 有圖層沒組
var _my_group = lay.groupItems.add() = name2
return _my_group
var cutlayer = activeDocument.layers.add(); = name; //設置圖層名稱
var my_group = cutlayer.groupItems.add(); = name2
return my_group
function widthFlag(_group, center, align, margin, el1_leftX, el1_leftY, el1_rightX, el1_rightY, el2_leftX, el2_leftY, el2_rightX, el2_rightY, config) {
var _datumPointUnit = 2.834646
// ---------------------畫寬度標尺--------------------
// 畫線條
var line1 = _group.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeColor =
line1.strokeOverprint = true
line1.filled = false
[el1_rightX, align],
[el1_rightX + margin, align]
line1 = _group.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeColor =
line1.strokeOverprint = true
line1.filled = false
[el1_rightX, align - config.flagMargin / 2],
[el1_rightX, align + config.flagMargin / 2]
line1 = _group.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeColor =
line1.strokeOverprint = true
line1.filled = false
[el2_leftX, align - config.flagMargin / 2],
[el2_leftX, align + config.flagMargin / 2]
// 畫線條
var arrow1 = _group.pathItems.add(); //畫箭頭左
arrow1.stroked = false;
arrow1.fillColor =;
arrow1.fillOverprint = true
[el1_rightX, align],
[el1_rightX + config.arrowSize, align + config.arrowSize / 2],
[el1_rightX + config.arrowSize, align - config.arrowSize / 2]]
arrow1.closed = true
var arrow1 = _group.pathItems.add(); //畫箭頭右
arrow1.stroked = false;
arrow1.fillColor =;
arrow1.fillOverprint = true
[el2_leftX, align],
[el2_leftX - config.arrowSize, align + config.arrowSize / 2],
[el2_leftX - config.arrowSize, align - config.arrowSize / 2]]
arrow1.closed = true
// 尺寸文字
var text1 = _group.textFrames.add()
text1.contents = mathNum(margin / _datumPointUnit, five, count) + " mm"
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.size = config.flagFontSize;
text1.textRange.fillColor =;
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.overprintFill = true
text1.left = el1_rightX + margin / 2 - text1.width / 2; = align + text1.height;
for (var i = 0; i < app.textFonts.length; i++) {
var e = app.textFonts[i];
if ( === "Adobe 宋體 Std L") {
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.textFont = app.textFonts[i]
function heightFlag(_group, center, align, margin, el1_leftX, el1_leftY, el1_rightX, el1_rightY, el2_leftX, el2_leftY, el2_rightX, el2_rightY, config) {
var _datumPointUnit = 2.834646
// ---------------------畫高度標尺--------------------
// 畫線條
var line1 = _group.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeColor =
line1.strokeOverprint = true
line1.filled = false
[center, el1_rightY],
[center, el2_leftY]
var line1 = _group.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeColor =
line1.strokeOverprint = true
line1.filled = false
[center - config.flagMargin / 2, el2_leftY],
[center + config.flagMargin / 2, el2_leftY]
var line1 = _group.pathItems.add();
line1.strokeColor =
line1.strokeOverprint = true
line1.filled = false
[center - config.flagMargin / 2, el1_rightY],
[center + config.flagMargin / 2, el1_rightY]
var arrow1 = _group.pathItems.add(); //畫箭頭上
arrow1.stroked = false;
arrow1.fillColor =;
arrow1.fillOverprint = true
[center, el1_rightY],
[center - config.arrowSize / 2, el1_rightY - config.arrowSize],
[center + config.arrowSize / 2, el1_rightY - config.arrowSize]]
arrow1.closed = true
var arrow1 = _group.pathItems.add(); //畫箭頭上
arrow1.stroked = false;
arrow1.fillColor =;
arrow1.fillOverprint = true
[center, el2_leftY],
[center - config.arrowSize / 2, el2_leftY + config.arrowSize],
[center + config.arrowSize / 2, el2_leftY + config.arrowSize]]
arrow1.closed = true
// 尺寸文字
var text1 = _group.textFrames.add()
text1.contents = mathNum(margin / _datumPointUnit, five, count) + " mm"
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.size = config.flagFontSize;
text1.textRange.fillColor =;
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.overprintFill = true
text1.left = center + config.flagMargin / 2; = align + text1.height / 2;
for (var i = 0; i < app.textFonts.length; i++) {
var e = app.textFonts[i];
if ( === "Adobe 宋體 Std L") {
text1.textRange.characterAttributes.textFont = app.textFonts[i]
function my_sort(arr) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; ++i) {
// 假設最小的值是當前的下標
var indexMin = i;
for (var j = i; j < arr.length; ++j) {
if (arr[j].geometricBounds[0] < arr[indexMin].geometricBounds[0] || arr[j].geometricBounds[2] < arr[indexMin].geometricBounds[2]) {
indexMin = j;
if (indexMin !== i) {
var temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[indexMin];
arr[indexMin] = temp;
return arr
function my_sort2(arr) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; ++i) {
// 假設最小的值是當前的下標
var indexMin = i;
for (var j = i; j < arr.length; ++j) {
if (arr[j].geometricBounds[1] > arr[indexMin].geometricBounds[1] || arr[j].geometricBounds[3] > arr[indexMin].geometricBounds[3]) {
indexMin = j;
if (indexMin !== i) {
var temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[indexMin];
arr[indexMin] = temp;
return arr
function toMM(num) {
var _baseUnit = 2.834646
return num * _baseUnit
function mathNum(_value, _five, _count) {
if (_five) {
_value = _value.toFixed(_count)
} else {
_value = _value + ""
// 截取
_start = _value.split(".")[0].length
_value = _value.slice(0, _start + 1 + _count)
return Number(_value)